Submission Guidelines
Please refer to the chart below for the submission process of your manuscript to our conference.

ICAME Manuscript template
Please click here to download the ICAME manuscript template.

Instructions for full paper submission

  • The selection panel of the conference committee will consider all papers received by the submission deadline to ensure that the proposed paper is relevant to the Conference.

  • Paper selection notifications will then be sent out to relevant authors.

  • Please refer to template above for a full paper submission.

  • Please use a reference management software such as Mendeley or Endnote.

  • Please check your plagiarism using plagiarism checker tool such as Turnitin. Please ensure your plagiarism score is under 10%.

  • Please ensure your paper is free from grammar error and written in English.

Reviewing Process
ICAME conference submissions are subject to a double-blind peer review process by a minimum of two reviewers. Reviewers are members the conference’s international Program Committee of experts in fields specifically matching the conference topics.

Guidelines for Publications
All manuscript abstracts will be published in book program. Eligible manuscripts will have opportunity to be published in :

  1. International Proceeding*

  2. Special Issues in Journal (Indexed by Scopus)*

  3. Hasanuddin Economics and Business Review HEBR (Sinta 4)*

  4. Jurnal Bisnis Manajemen dan informatika JBMI (Sinta 5)*

  5. Forest and Society (Scopus Q2)*

  6. Hasanuddin Law Review (Sinta 2)*

*Terms and Conditions apply. Additional publication fee applies

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